A living example of regenerative design is Li Wenliang of Getwell company in China. I would love to share information about him so that you could write an article on him.
Li Wenliang, the founder of Taiwei (Dongguan Getwell Electronics Co., Ltd), a private company with 220 employees located in Dongguan, Shenzhen in Guangdong province, conducted extensive studies and research in the developed Western countries and ultimately recognized the unsustainability of the indulgent hedonism prevalent in mainstream Western societies. Recognizing the necessity to return to a more sustainable model of economic development, Li integrated the principles of the Chinese cultural value of “Tian Ren He Yi” (Harmony between Heaven, Earth, and Humans) into the core values of the company in 2005, and began actively exploring a philosophy of modern business management with a Chinese-style approach. After a decade of exploration, Li and his team developed the 51-25-24 ownership structure, a mechanism of corporate governance embodying “Tian Ren He Yi” and advocating sustainable development. The 51-25-24 mechanism entails the conversion of 51% of the company's equity into a public welfare fund, making Chinese society the majority shareholder of the enterprise and aligning business practices and policy with the will of nature—the Way of heaven, or “Tian Dao”. Among other things, this policy offers subsidies for employees to consume organic food, promotes a virtuous cycle of organic cultivation, and supports regular rural service programs. Additionally, 25% of the equity is transformed into employee-operated equity, fostering a sense of unity among all employees. The remaining 24% is retained as capital equity, with original shareholders becoming the third-largest stakeholders. A board is formed by combining capital and operational directors, creating a corporate governance structure which emphasizes collective prosperity and ecological values.